Holiday Theme, Resources

Elf on the Shelf

Do you “Elf on the Shelf?”  We recently began this tradition at the LiveSpeakLove Headquarters. I’ve really enjoyed welcoming the endearing albeit slightly creepy looking elf into our family. I’ve accepted the challenge of creating mischief for the elf to portray each night, a challenge that after even a cursory perusal of Pinterest you will discover should NOT be taken lightly. My six-year-old has opened her heart to the little creature, which she named “Emily” (ours is a girl, it said so on the box.)  She writes notes each night to Emily, thanking her and asking questions about what it’s like to be an Elf. Each morning she wakes up and races downstairs to see what Emily has been doing overnight and to check if there is a note from Emily to read. The whole experience has been very positive, despite the bleary-eyed brainstorm I face each night at approximately 1:00 am as I work to fashion a new, creative Elf Scene. Are you looking for some Elf on the Shelf ideas? I am more than happy to share. My gift to you…hopefully a little more sleep than I have been getting each night!

Here are the Elf on the Shelf ideas I have used so far:

Elf on the Shelf unpacked one of our Christmas ornaments
Elf on the Shelf unpacked one of our Christmas ornaments
Our Elf left a note (she's still holding the sharpie!) and left some candy jewelry
Our Elf left a note (she’s still holding the sharpie!) and left some candy jewelry
Emily the Elf is using some of our American Girl accessories to get started on the holiday baking!
Emily the Elf is using some of our American Girl accessories to get started on the holiday baking!
Storytime at Elf School! Complete with traffic light behavior chart (naughty monkey!)
Storytime at Elf School! Complete with traffic light behavior chart (naughty monkey!)
Late Night "Beauty Party" with Cinderella Barbie
Late Night “Beauty Party” with Cinderella Barbie
Elf Bubble Bath! Complete with hot chocolate treats and "Elf Bubble" marshmallows for each child.
Elf Bubble Bath! Complete with hot chocolate treats and “Elf Bubble” marshmallows for each child.
In honor of the big Steeler-Ravens rivalry here in it is, folks - straight from the North Pole.
In honor of the big Steeler-Ravens rivalry here in Baltimore…here it is, folks – straight from the North Pole.

There you have it…a quick look at the Elf on the Shelf fun we are having here in Baltimore. I only need to come up with 23 more ideas this season!! I’d love to see what other people are doing with this tradition, so please post links to your pictures in the comments section. If you are interested in adding this tradition to your holiday celebration, check out these Elf on the Shelf products: Elf on the Shelf